Family Medicine of Michigan is a Patient-Centered Medical Home. We make every effort to ensure that the health care we provide includes preventative care as well as acute and chronic disease management and we put you at the center of that care.
Our services include:
- Well Baby Care
- Adolescent Care
- Adult Preventative Care
- Physicals
- Diabetic Care
- Acute Care Needs with same day appointment availability
- Chronic Disease Management
Family Medicine of Michigan has providers for FAA certification for class 2 & 3.
FAA Examination Costs
Class 2 or 3 exam: $120
If your FAA exam requires completion of CACI forms, the cost for the exam and CACI is as follows:
Exam with One CACI: $150
Exam with Two CACI’s: $180
Exam with Three CACI’s: $200
Each addtional CACI after three would be an additional $20.
Any additional necessitated consultation such as communication with other providers, obtaining medical history not supplied by the airman, and the like will be charged at $30 per 15 minute increment.
FAA Exam Visit
We are pleased you are interested in scheduling your AMCE at Family Medicine of Michigan. This information is intended to make your visit for your exam as efficient as possible so that you can be certified while at the office, preventing added costs and time spent in gathering subsequent medical information, visits, and deferred licensure, and, in particular, avoiding the submission of incomplete evaluations to CAMI. You are undoubtedly aware that all 8500-8 examination forms must be entirely submitted electronically now or, if you are still in a group not required to do such, you will undoubtedly soon be required to do so. To this end, please read the following and give careful consideration to it when completing your part of the form. Doing this can save you considerable time, money, and aggravation.
- Enter MedXPress https://medxpress.faa.gov and complete ALL of the questions completely and accurately.
- Create an account if you do not already have one
- Enter all of your data (provide all SODAs; special issuances, LOEs, etc. and bring them with you when you have your examination)
- Submit your application.
- Print summary sheet (bring it with you when you have your examination).
- Bring your confirmation number you receive upon submitting your form with you when you have your examination. (Nothing can proceed in the examination unless you have this confirmation number!)
- You will need government identification to present at check-in (driver’s license, passport, or like).
- If your plans change and you cannot make the visit, call and cancel. The prepaid examination fee will be forfeited if you don’t and another exam will then require the same payment.
- Keep the following in mind when filling out your history:
- Double check your SSN-this is the most common error made in filling out these forms
- Make sure you have spelled your name properly or CAMI will not be able to find you in their system
- Item 18 asks for, “Have you now or have you ever had…”. The FAA wants every medical problem you have ever had reported at each exam--they will no longer accept “PRNC–Previously Reported, No Change”. Provide what you have experienced medically speaking and a brief report of how you are doing and the name of the treating doctor. You will save time and aggravation if you bring a current status report from your treating doctor.
- There are now 15 medical conditions that are CACI (Conditions AME Can Issue) approved and can be dispensed with at the time of your examination but all will require a current status report from your treating doctor as to the status of your health (how well is the problem controlled, lab evidence, medications employed, any complications, etc). Without the letter, no CACI, and if such evidence is not produced within two weeks, the exam must go to CAMI as incomplete. Current CACI conditions: Arthritis, Asthma, Chronic Kidney Disease, Colitis, Glaucoma, Hepatitis C-Chronic, Hypertension, Hypothryroidism, Kidney Stones, Migraine and Chronic Headache, Pre-Diabetes, and four cancers, Prostate, Bladder, Renal (Kidney), and Testicular. If any of these conditions have ever applied to you or currently apply to you, please reference the CACI guidelines at aviatormedical.com/conditions-ames-can-issue-caci.html.
- If you have a Special Issuance, the FAA will have provided you with instructions as to what information you will need to provide and how often it must be provided—follow their instructions completely.
- An uncorrected visual acuity must be submitted at the examination. Therefore, if you wear contact lenses to correct your vision, be prepared and able to remove them for the purpose of the examination.
- Report all medications you are using, including their dosage and how they are dosed.
- Keep in mind that you have 60 days following submission of your history into MedXPress to complete your examination. After 60 days, your record will be wiped clean and you will have to resubmit your information.
- Also keep in mind that the denial rate for deferred examinations in the United States is only 0.07% (7 chances in 10,000) if all of the necessary documentation is provided. Not providing documentation increases the risk of denial 15 fold!
Hopefully you will find this information helpful in determining what it is you need to do to make your AMCE as efficient and painless as possible. If you have any questions you need answered, or if you are unsure whether or not you need to supply certain documentation, call 517/627-2181 and ask for the receptionist handling FAA medical examinations. If she does not know the answer and if I cannot be of help, this will provide opportunity for me to contact the Regional Flight Surgeon and obtain it for you. You can also obtain help at http://www.faa.gov/other_visit/aviation_industry/designees_delegations/designee_types/ame/amcs/.
Our Care Management team has some informative presentations to share with you in a small group seating. The group is typically 2-4 patients with one guest allowed each. The session is educational and billed to insurance so copay and deductible may apply. However, there is no cost sharing if you are insured with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/ Medicare Advantage PPO (except group 59000), Blue Care Network/Blue Care Network Advantage, and Priority Health/Priority Health Medicare. Our current class is on Eating Healthy through the Holidays, complete with recipes and samples! Call for dates and times.
Dr. Lauren Greene is board-certified in both Family Practice and Sports Medicine. She offers services such as
- Ultrasound-guided joint injections
- Hyaluronic acid injections
- Ultrasound-guided tenotomy for chronic tendinopathy
- Concussion management
- Fracture care
- Chronic joint pain
- Sports injuries